2011 m. lapkričio 22 d., antradienis
Carol Mather Silversmith
2011 m. rugsėjo 6 d., antradienis
2011 m. sausio 3 d., pirmadienis
Janne Kyttanen designs a new light
“Global warming has become an issue that most feel important to address, while some instead feel that destiny is in the hands of a higher being, and skeptics believe our planet has always been “breathing†and that the conditions we see are a natural occurrence. I have no political agenda, but I do believe that any issue or debate that brings to the table ideas that inspire people to consider the protection of all species and our planet, that encourages them to think twice about waste and how to save energy can only create positive side effects that are good for Earth. The foundation of our company is based upon digitalizing products around us, and by doing so we help to reduce the human footprint on our environment by using less storage, transportation, material, labor etc”
Janne Kyttanen